Thursday 17 July 2008

Queenswood- Excursion to London

Hi everybody!!!

My second excursion to London was a little bit boring! :(
we made a Tour through London with a crazy guide, who spat... :D
After that we visit the HMS Belfast, an old ship from the WW II. It was quite exciting to see, how people lived in that time by the sea!!!

When we arrived in Queenswood I forgot my Ipod in the bus and I was very frightenend!!! :(
But I was lucky because a very kind spanish girl named Martita found and gave it back to me !!! :D

At my activitiytime I enjoyed a pulsating Double tennismatch which was really funny despite are loss!!!:D


Monday 14 July 2008

Queenswood- Weekend

Whats up???

My weekend in Queenswood was great!!! On Friday we had after lessons a assembly ceremony in which all works and projects made by the workshops, were shown by teachers or pupils.

We were even allowed to enjoy two amazing performance by two classes. Furthermore the best pupil of every class were allocate!!!

On Saturday we made an excursion to Cambridge and we even had the glory to be allowed to go shopping!!!:D In the evening there was a disco, but in my view it was a bit boring :(

On Sunday a few pupils made a trip to Thorpe park!!! :D It was amazing!!!
Because of a special card we did not need to wait for a ride and we could so often drive as we wanted!!!

All in all my weekend was wonderful and im sad, that i will not experience a weekend again in Queenswood!!! :(


Friday 11 July 2008



I could not write yesterday as we made an excursion to London.

When you ask me, it is not a pleasant city, bit maybe i think so because the weather was horrible. It was raining the all day and I had neither a airthigt coat, nor a umbrella!!!

My all clothes were sopy!!! :) But in spite of everything it was interesting and exciting to visit London and e.g. to see the St. Pauls Cathedral, Tower of London or the Tower Bridge...!!!

I am going to write tomorrow again :D



Hello guys!!! what's up???

Today we played Bowling. Although I am quite bad it was funny :D:D

After that we were very hungry and therefore we went to Burgerking, but it is by far not so good like our beloved mc' s ( mc donalds)!!! ;)

I think I will go to Bowling next week again!!!


Thursday 10 July 2008

First day at Queendwood

Hi Everybody!!! I am fine, I hope you too!!?

I enjoyed my first day at Queenswood. I played, after my 8 lessons, football!!! :D

Although it was raining quite strong it was fun!!! I think because of the bad weather it was a bit more funny. I share my room with also a german guy named moritz and a turkish pupil called Erwin. Moritz is a good friend from cologne and it is often quite difficult not to speak german with him, but I am for learning Engish and so I have to.... Erwin is very kind and I am glad to be in one room with him!!!

I am confident that the next two weeks will be great!!!


Tuesday 8 July 2008

About Queenswood and me in general

Hi, my name is Florian Cornely and I am from Cologne in Germany. I am 16 years old and I came to Queenswood this summer because I want to improve my English skills and get a better feel for the language.

Before my arrival I was a little bit excited and nervous because I did not know what to expect and I had many apprehensions and questions. Can I understand the English language so well? Will I meet other kind pupils or even friends? Now that I am here I know that this was quite needless.

Queenswood is a amazing school!!! Every day we have 8 lessons, but they are different than lessons in germany, they are smaller class and it is fun. After that we have free time and there is a great offer of sport, tennis, football, swimming, badminton and so on. Finally we have to go to bed at 11 pm.

We get food three times every day and although it differs from german food it is delicious.

All in all I do not regret that I am going to stay here for two week as Queenswood School is wonderful!!! :D
