Monday 14 July 2008

Queenswood- Weekend

Whats up???

My weekend in Queenswood was great!!! On Friday we had after lessons a assembly ceremony in which all works and projects made by the workshops, were shown by teachers or pupils.

We were even allowed to enjoy two amazing performance by two classes. Furthermore the best pupil of every class were allocate!!!

On Saturday we made an excursion to Cambridge and we even had the glory to be allowed to go shopping!!!:D In the evening there was a disco, but in my view it was a bit boring :(

On Sunday a few pupils made a trip to Thorpe park!!! :D It was amazing!!!
Because of a special card we did not need to wait for a ride and we could so often drive as we wanted!!!

All in all my weekend was wonderful and im sad, that i will not experience a weekend again in Queenswood!!! :(


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